けん玉とぼくとみらい KENDAMA changed my future

 “Kendama, the Future, and Me.”

On a shelf in the far corner of the toy store, there is a “Kendama”

It is a toy which was born 100 years ago in Japan,
accepted by people of all ages and genders as a “National Toy”,
and now, it is gaining recognition as a new sport.

With “Kendama”, I can have fun with people regardless of language.
Through “Kendama”, I can make friends around the world.
If I practice “Kendama”, I can shine on a global level.

“Kendama” is playing a new role
as a new communication tool for the world.

I love “Kendama” with all of my heart.
Why? Because it’s what is going to pave the path for my future.

Creating More Opportunities
for Professional Kendama
Players to Shine!

Currently, it is said that there are about 100 professional Kendama players in the world. Though it seems like there are many, less than 10 of them are able to make a living only through playing Kendama. In the future, we want to create an environment in which there are more professional players, Kendama leagues, and more opportunities to bring excitement to people through Kendama. We are aiming for a future that inspires hopes and dreams regarding Kendama.

Holding Qualifying Competitions
on Each Continent!

Kendama is gaining popularity around the world, but only 24 countries and regions have participated in Kendama World Cup. Because it is held in Japan, there are many talented players who cannot attend Kendama World Cup due to financial reasons. In order to give every Kendama player a chance to participate in Kendama World Cup, we desire to hold qualifying competitions in all parts of the world. If you win, you can stand on the global stage. With gifted players from each continent, the World Cup is bound to be even more thrilling!

Making Kendama an Olympic Sport!

Recently, Skateboarding, Surfing, and Sport Climbing have been approved as new Olympic Games. Kendama also has the potential to entertain and mesmerize crowds as an Olympic sport. For example, the beauty of Kendamas gracefully flying through the air or the difficulty created by adding revolutions is much like Figure Skating. Also like Gymnastics, the originality of each player can shine through their composition of the countless tricks Kendama has. On top of that, Kendama is a sport that is much cheaper than most others to start. Kendama can be easily introduced to countries and regions where sport cultures haven’t developed, and it can help many people lead abundant lives. In order to do this, we must aim for Kendama to become an Olympic sport, and create more opportunities for people to get to know Kendama.

Let’s Make Kendama World Cup 2018 an Even More Global Event!

Crowdfunding has Started!

Crowdfunding HERE ! thru May 16